Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Creation Process Pictures

Part of the production process was taking pictures for the postcard and poster. At the same time we also filmed our 5 second intro to the film. We took multiple angles for both so we could find the one we wanted in the editing process.

This show was part of our filming process. This photo in particular was for our focus pull on the mug after Duncan sets it down. We were setting up the shot so it would be in focus when it was set down.

We also took brief breaks to review our subject matter.

And after filming we begun the editing process.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Postcard Production Process

We used Photoshop as our editing program for our poster.

We started with a simple, thematic background.

We layered our title on top.

We then used the magic wand tool to crop one of the photos of the controller we took.

Then we added in our credit in the bottom right corner. 

We then added nominations to it to give it the impression of a film submitted to a film festival
We added social media icons to show its availability on the internet.

We then coloured the letters to match the colours of the controller

Thursday, January 7, 2016


We've created a poster for our short film. The iconic controller as a symbol of our documentary, similar to that of Indie Game: The Movie.

The poster is vary basic and is not meant to convey more information than simply that it is about games in one form or another. This mystery about it is what will attract people to watch the film.

Monday, January 4, 2016

First Draft of BETA

This is the first draft of our video. While what it is lacking can simply be blamed on it being incomplete, there are a few things that we want to change. The video is lacking in variance. The interview shots are all fairly simple and lack any backing tracks. This makes the video relatively unentertaining to watch. 

We hope to make the interviews easier to watch with a backing track that will stay constant throughout, as well as breaking up the videos with some gameplay footage or footage of Duncan. This will help to keep the audiences attention, and no longer be visually bored. The backing track would need to be something simplistic and not too distracting. We are hoping to find something in the iMovie sound effects, but with failure to do that we will have to search online for it. The gameplay footage will have to either be recorded ourselves or taken from footage on the internet. Footage with Duncan will have to be filmed if the B-roll does not have anything sufficient, and so finding alternatives is preferable, but we will do whatever we feel is most effective.