Sunday, September 13, 2015

Types of Documentary

1. Poetic Documentaries

 This is the most abstract form of documentary. Ideas like continuity and a traditional story went out the window in favor with shots for the sake of association, emphasizing description, tonal/rhythmic elements and form.

2. Expository Documentaries

 This form of documentary is much more traditional. Its trademark is speaking directly to the viewer to either inform them or create an argument. The idea that a narrator speaks directly to the viewer immediately forms a bias, whether intentional or not.

3. Observational Documentaries

  Observational documentaries are essentially the opposite of expository. The idea of them is for the viewer to form their own opinion on the subject by viewing things directly as the camera sees them with no interference from the crew. Bias can still be formed through editing and selecting what information to show and not to show, however the intention of this mode is to create as little bias as possible.
4. Participatory Documentaries

 Participatory documentaries stem from the idea that it is impossible for the crew or presence of cameras to create a completely unbiased atmosphere. Instead, this mode embraces it and directly interviews the subjects, with a mix of observational shots. This creates an atmosphere where opinion isn't just obtained through observation, but rather from the direct quotes of the interviewees themselves. The tone and subject of the questions may still create bias, but the interviewer's speech is usually removed to make this effect the viewer as little as possible.

5. Reflexive Documentaries

 This mode question the way that documentary film making actually affects the subjects, and increases awareness on how these films construct representations of reality.

6. Performative Documentaries

 This mode directly involves the film maker, often as someone on screen and directly involved. Instead of objectivity, this form of documentary favors emotion on screen with the implication of the viewers feeling the same way.

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