Monday, December 28, 2015

Visual Editing

We used iMovie as we did not have much editing experience, and it was an easy go-to default on our school's iMacs. Compared to the audio, the visual editing was actually very easy.
The top left section of the program contained all out footage. We had to sift through it to find good lines of dialogue that we could link together from each other the interviews, creating sections on specific topics. We simply cut them appropriately and put them down in the "timeline", then edited their lengths to transition smoothly as well as synced up the audio.
We also layered footage over one another to include the audio of one while showing the footage of the other. We also added in minor effects, chiefly text to identify who was speaking when they were first shown.
The only other effect used was the transitions, either fade to black or fade to white.  Most clips simply cut from one to the other without transition, as it would have become distracting otherwise.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sound Editing

There were two parts to the editing process: Visual and audio. Because we layered interview audio over other footage, we split the audio from the clips. We used iMovie to edit the film as we were unfamiliar with editing and decided to use the default program on our school's iMacs. The majority of the audio is in green, with some still attached to the clip being shown as blue sound waves.

An overview of the audio in the film. A majority of the audio is split from the clip, with some audio still attached. Throughout the entire film there is a backing track and multiple layers of sound (backing track, dialogue and gameplay sound).

Audio that started over another seen had to be split from the clip and lengthened. This can be seen with the green audio file on the bottom going back to before the beginning of the clip. Syncing the audio and the clip was difficult, and to deal with this we clapped during filming to find an easily identifiable moment of synchronisation. To cover cuts in the audio as we jumped from specific moments of dialogue to another, we showed either other angles or gameplay footage, the gameplay having its own audio. We had to balance the sound so that  both were easily heard but did not get in the way of each other. Dialogue tended to be louder than the sound effects in the game as it was of greater import.

The backing track was played throughout. An intro/outro song was used as well as ambient noise from the iMovie sound effect library called "Borealis". "Borealis" was only 30 seconds long and so had to be looped. To make the continuity sound more like one piece, we shortened it to before it faded out and added the same track after it. Matching the beats made it sound like one continuous piece, and so could be used for extended period of time. Matching it with the intro/outro was also simple, as both had very similar beats and timing. To eliminate any differences, we faded out from on and in from the other. This made the transition natural and eliminated any jarring elements.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Production Schedule

Date planned: 18th, 19th December

Date Planned: Edit from 1st to 7th January

Date Planned: Edit from 1st to 9th February

Date Planned: Edit from 10th to 20th of February

Date Planned: Create 15th to 25th February

Film: 10th March
Edit 11th to 20th March

Monday, December 14, 2015



 Before deciding on Duncan, we went through a process of figuring out who the idea person to cast would be. These were some of the people we considered for the role.

Sofian: He was considered due to him fitting the physical appearance of what
we wanted our main character to be. We didn't pursue this casting choice much
further due to him not being able to find time for the project.
Kareem: He was considered for the role due to his interest in video games,
as well as our original idea being positive effects of video games through
its effects concerning health, including their ability to combat epilepsy. As an
epileptic, Kareem would have been an ideal person to follow if we were still
pursuing this angle.

Shahnoor Sayyed: He was considered due to both him fitting the profile
of the character as well as interest and knowledge in the subject matter,
making it easier to make the scripted segments more factual than fictional.
He declined to scheduling conflicts.

Hamaad: He was considered due to his interest in the subject matter, and
despite not being quite the stereotypical profile we are looking for due to
lack of glasses he would still have made a great main character. Unfortunately
Hamaad could not find the time for the project.

Pranav: He fit both the profile of the character as well as has an interest in
video games, but didn't express an interest in the project.

Yamaan: Again, he fit the profile and had an interest in the subject matter but
did not express an interest in the subject.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Film Festival Research

Due to the idea of our poster/postcard being made for film festivals, understanding which film festivals are popular and what is required for an entry is important. Because of this, we have researched a 10 festivals, based off of IndieWire's top 10 film festivals article (

  1. Festival de Cannes (Cannes, France)
  2. Sundance Film Festival (Park City,UT, US)
  3. Toronto International Film Festival (Toronto, Canada)
  4. South by Southwest (Austin, TX, US)
  5. International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  6. Venice Film Festival (Italy)
  7. Berlin International Film Festival (Germany)
  8. International Film Festival Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
  9. New York Film Festival (NY, US)
  10. Telluride Film Festival (CO, US)

A selection of other film awards:

Plot Summary & Explanation

The plot line of the acted segments of the documentary is the story of the main character, Duncan.  The beginning shows him in an unspecified and implacable room, starting up a video game. The focus on him in the beginning shows that the film is character driven, and the video game clearly shows what the subject of the film is.

This introduction is followed by an interview giving a negative opinion on video games, and bringing up the common issues such as they cause violence, introversion and so on. The idea of this is to set up the argument the short film aims to counter. Duncan's character is then followed throughout several events. After the first interview, we are brought back to Duncan while he is watching a news report on the very topics discussed in the interview. This links in the idea of violence caused by video games. This is also crossed over by showing footage of DOOM, a game hailed with controversy for its violence in 1993.

The next segment would begin with an interview discussing introversion, and how video games make some gamers anti-social. This segment of Duncan's story is shown when he is shoulder barged while getting coffee, spilling the coffee. Frustration is seen with Duncan, but the crucial element of this is that poor social interaction is shown, but whether it is his fault is up to the viewer.

The final against argument is shown with poor school performance. An interviewee discusses this, and the Duncan perspective is that he receives a test back with a low mark and grade. After this the counter argument begins.

Voice overs and interviews overlap as Duncan is seen leaving the class to be praised by another teacher for his creative skills. He is seen walking up to a group of friends he has bonded with through playing games. The final scene will be him sitting down to play a game as in the beginning, but with a second player joining him once he does.

Whether or not the positive interviews are interlaced during every segment or whether the structure will be argument then counter-argument to end with is still to be decided. Statistics are also to be layered over the scenes when relevant, as well as spoken by the interviewees.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Cast & Crew


Actor: Duncan Dibb Holland

 Our main character will be portrayed by Duncan. He was cast due to his look and body type being perfect for the role of the stereotypical "nerd" or "gamer".


Director & Writer: Adrian Harder Gerbrand

 Head of Design & Writer: Faaiza Feroz

This is me, who worked collaboratively with the other writers on the story and storyboard, and am in charge of all the final calls when it comes to camerawork, acting, editing and story.
Director of Cinematography, Cameraman & Writer

This is Faaiza, in charge of designing our logos and titles as well website and poster design. Apart from all design elements, she also works with the group on the story and storyboard of the film.

Youssef is in charge of all the camerawork in the film as well as crucial to the editing of it. He was also the final member involved in the story and storyboarding of the film.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Film Test Footage

Test footage for various shots in our short film. We experimented with different angles for the same shots and will decide which one we feel works the best when we film the full short film.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Postcard Test Shots

These are the test shots for our controller based post card. We took pictures from multiple angles and different focuses to see which look the best. We will make a final decision when we make our actual postcard.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Shot List

Website Homepage Drafts

This design is a mixture of the more traditional website page and one with a more of a innovative touch.. This one was designed by me.

This design is supposed to reflect the main menu of of a video game, with links to more traditional webpages. This was designed by Youssef Zine.

This si the most traditional webpage, with all the information on the screen and easily accessible. This was designed  by Faaiza Feroz.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Postcard Draft

This is the first draft of our Postcard, with the basic concepts of a close up of a Nintendo 64 controller and the positioning of the title, tagline and credits. This is not the final draft but an initial idea that we want to work off of. (Idea by myself)
The postcard idea drew some inspiration from Indie Game: The Movie with the idea of having a controller as a symbol. This controller will also be a theme in the short film. We made sure to both use a different controller and different angle on the controller to show that we were inspired by Indie Game, not plagiarizing it.
This is the image the postcard is based off of, but we will use a picture we will take slightly closer up and at a slightly different angle for our final postcard.
Another idea was to have our main character with the reflection of the screen in his glasses, showing the link to Video Games while emphasizing it is a character driven short film. (Idea by Youssef Zine)

The concept of this one was to show the character in a dark room with the TV, playing games, connoting the negatives of video games with the idea of drawing in an audience to find that while these negatives are discussed in the first half they are refuted in the second. (Idea by Faaiza Feroz)