Sunday, November 15, 2015

Postcard Draft

This is the first draft of our Postcard, with the basic concepts of a close up of a Nintendo 64 controller and the positioning of the title, tagline and credits. This is not the final draft but an initial idea that we want to work off of. (Idea by myself)
The postcard idea drew some inspiration from Indie Game: The Movie with the idea of having a controller as a symbol. This controller will also be a theme in the short film. We made sure to both use a different controller and different angle on the controller to show that we were inspired by Indie Game, not plagiarizing it.
This is the image the postcard is based off of, but we will use a picture we will take slightly closer up and at a slightly different angle for our final postcard.
Another idea was to have our main character with the reflection of the screen in his glasses, showing the link to Video Games while emphasizing it is a character driven short film. (Idea by Youssef Zine)

The concept of this one was to show the character in a dark room with the TV, playing games, connoting the negatives of video games with the idea of drawing in an audience to find that while these negatives are discussed in the first half they are refuted in the second. (Idea by Faaiza Feroz)

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