Sunday, November 8, 2015

Production and Film Logos

The name we decided to go with for our short film is 'Beta', referring to beta testing video games as well as the slang for someone who is not outgoing, successful in any area of skill or worth and always second to a person or group of people. The reason for this is to convey the stereotype of an individual who plays a lot of video games and the goal of the short film is to bring this stereotype down.

The basic art scheme has been drawn on, but is not final. Either a detailed art scheme identical to the one in the 'Doom' logo will be added, or the title will simply be one solid colour or gradient.
The logo is made to emulate the title of a popular classic video game, 'Doom', which was regaled with controversy due to violence during its release in the early 1990s. The reason for this style is to both relate with the gamer audience and connote ideas of video games as well as to subtly show one of the topics of the short film, controversy of games and claims of what implications they have on those who play them. 

The name of our production company is 'Polygon Productions', with the concept of polygons being the term for shapes used in models for video games. The design is simple, with the idea of it being a 3D shape on a 2D space.

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