Saturday, November 14, 2015

Narrative Analysis

Every story has a universal structure, which is the following:

Beginning/Exposition: Introduces the audience to the premise of the story and where it is set
Complication: The balance of the original setting of the story is disturbed
Climax: The disruption of the balance come to a head at this point in the story
Resolution: Balance is restored to a new (or previously existing) normal

This premise is also existent in documentaries, as even they form around a basic premise or story. The following is this structure shown in Indie Game: The Movie as one of the 3 stories that are followed:

Beginning/ Exposition: Phil Fish and his game, Fez, are introduced. His work environment, personality and vision are all introduced.

Complication: It is explained how his old business partner left on bad terms and still has not signed over the rights to Phil Fish, and so the potential for lawsuit is great if the game is to be shown at the Penny Arcade Expo, where showing it will greatly help the game gain traction and popularity before release.

Climax: Phil Fish is forced to go to the Expo without getting permissions from his old business partner due to the necessity of the game gaining popularity. He risks everything by showing it after great contemplation at home and even as late as in the hotel room before the expo.

Resolution: Phil Fish's business partner eventually shows up to sign over the rights, eliminating the risk of having shown the game at the Penny Arcade Expo and as icing on the cake Jerry Holkins, the man who runs the Expo, perosnally compliments Phil on Fez and says he looks forward to its release (a huge confidence boost to Phil and a great endorsement for the game's eventual release).

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